WRITING Marci Daniels WRITING Marci Daniels

How To Eat While T**** Is President

Your rage is butter. Your bitterness a warm crusty baguette. Slather it in the honey of your wrath and stuff a too big chunk of it into a throat that is choking anyway on all the unsayable things. Chew chew chew and chew…

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Marci Daniels Marci Daniels


“Look who’s here!” She runstumbles to me, leaving a trail of tiny mud prints from where she had been helping Nonna plant flowers in the dirt patch by the walkway.

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WRITING Marci Daniels WRITING Marci Daniels


To my knowledge, no one has ever gotten her own sister pregnant, but when she was sixteen and we all found out she was, I blamed myself. It was the firecrackers.

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WRITING Marci Daniels WRITING Marci Daniels

Have Another

You always wanted to know: So, what happens when you eat fourteen corn dogs?

First off, you win. Even if the dude next to you–who only ate nine corn dogs–is declared the “official” winner of the contest because of some lame technicality, because beers count as points.

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